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Zolera SOAP Infrastructure (ZSI)

See Python Web Services (ZSI)

ZSI Module Customizations

Disabling Explicit Type Strings in XML

In order to disable the inclusion of typing strings in the XML the following customisation was made to TCcompound.py script. This involved adding the line:

 'kw['typed'] = False'

at line 435 of the file. This turns off the explicit typing within the XML.

            # anames and serialize them.  Only support one <any> in all content.
            # Must be self-describing instances
            # Regular handling of declared elements
            aname = what.aname
            v = f(aname)
            # print '@PLH@  what.__dict__ = "%s"' % what.__dict__
            # print '@PLH@  pname = "%s", v = "%s"' % (what.pname, v)
            # print '@PLH@  v = "%s"' % v
            indx += 1
            if what.minOccurs == 0 and v is None:
            # Default to typecode, if self-describing instance, and check
            # to make sure it is derived from what.
            whatTC = what
            if whatTC.maxOccurs > 1 and v is not None:
                if type(v) not in _seqtypes:
                    raise EvaluateException('pyobj (%s,%s), aname "%s": maxOccurs %s, expecting a %s' %(
                for v2 in v:
                    occurs += 1
                    if occurs > whatTC.maxOccurs:
                        raise EvaluateException('occurances (%d) exceeded maxOccurs(%d) for <%s>' %(
                                occurs, whatTC.maxOccurs, what.pname),
                    what = _get_type_or_substitute(whatTC, v2, sw, elt)
                    # print '@PLH@ what = "%s"' % what
                    if debug and what is not whatTC:
                        self.logger.debug('substitute derived type: %s' %
                    # print '@PLH@ elem = "%s"\n   sw = "%s"\n  v2 = "%s"' % (elem, sw, v2)
                    what.serialize(elem, sw, v2, **kw)
#                    try:
#                        what.serialize(elem, sw, v2, **kw)
#                    except Exception, e:
#                        raise EvaluateException('Serializing %s.%s, %s %s' %
#                            (n, whatTC.aname or '?', e.__class__.__name__, str(e)))
                if occurs < whatTC.minOccurs:
                    raise EvaluateException(\
                        'occurances(%d) less than minOccurs(%d) for <%s>' %
                        (occurs, whatTC.minOccurs, what.pname), sw.Backtrace(elt))
            if v is not None or what.nillable is True:
                what = _get_type_or_substitute(whatTC, v, sw, elt)
                if debug and what is not whatTC:
                    self.logger.debug('substitute derived type: %s' %
                kw['typed'] = False
                # print '@PLH@ elem = "%s"\n   sw = "%s"\n  v = "%s"  kw = "%s"' % (elem, sw, v, kw)
                what.serialize(elem, sw, v, **kw)
#                try:
#                    what.serialize(elem, sw, v, **kw)
#                except (ParseException, EvaluateException), e:
#                    raise
#                except Exception, e:
#                    raise EvaluateException('Serializing %s.%s, %s %s' %
#                        (n, whatTC.aname or '?', e.__class__.__name__, str(e)),
#                        sw.Backtrace(elt))
            raise EvaluateException('Got None for nillable(%s), minOccurs(%d) element (%s,%s), %s' %
